Made for new fans

ZLS archive is created to make it easier for new international fans to get to know Zhao Lusi in a more in-depth manner by creating a convenient but traceable archive of her past schedules and contents newbie kelulis may find interesting to know about.


Our vision is to be a diary-like but trustworthy repository for newbie kelulis to easily delve into Lusi’s past works and contents. This site aims to provide an immersive experience where readers can learn more about Lusi’s journey. To achieve this, every content archived on this site will be meticulously curated with original sources and references linked in each post. This ensures that readers can easily access the materials and explore further. By offering a reliable platform for exploration, we hope new fans can develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of Lusi as an actor and as an individual that aren’t based on rumors and misinformation.

Zhao Lusi-focused

In the pursuit of creating a safe and nurturing environment for every Zhao Lusi fan, it is imperative that we establish certain guidelines. This platform vows to maintain a healthy fan space by strictly prohibiting any unnecessary mention of other artists in articles and discussions, unless it directly relates to Zhao Lusi’s works. Mentioning other artists’ names/works unrelated and within context of a mean spirit (for Lusi or for the other artist) will NOT be tolerated. While we know entertainment is a competitive environment, we believe unnecessary pitting of artists against each other in the digital space is not conducive to developing the safe & happy environment we want to create with this particular space.

By adhering to this principle, we can ensure that our focus remains solely on celebrating the talent and achievements of this remarkable young artist, fostering an atmosphere of respect and admiration without enabling unprovoked & unhealthy comparison with others.

Community guidelines